The Photo Review Benefit Auction did well this year as sales were up over 2023. But as always some lots did not meet their minimum reserves and were bought in. So once again we are having a sealed bid auction of unsold lots from this year’s auction.
Absentee bidding closes at 6 p.m. EST on December 8, 2024.
We will also honor our “End This Auction” feature through the closing date: bid the high estimate and the auction ends immediately and the lot is yours.
Thank you again for your support.
With best wishes for the holiday season,
Stephen Perloff
Check out our Auction Catalog and make a bid!
Beginning and experienced collectors alike will have the opportunity to bid on work
- Ansel Adams
- Gene Badger
- Frederic Boissonas
- Will A. Cadby
- Lucien Clergue
- Giovanni Crupi
- Imogen Cunningham
- Edward S. Curtis
- William Edward Dassonville
- Edmund J. Duffy
- John Dugdale
- Harold Feinstein
- Susan Fenton
- Godfrey Frankel
- Leonard Freed
- Frances Frith
- Judy Gelles
- Washington Lafayette Germon
- George Gilbert (attrib.)
- John K. Hillers
- E. O. Hoppé
- George Hurrell
- Marcus Leatherdale
- Martha Madigan
- William Prescott Mayfield
- Carl Mydans
- N D. Phot. (Etienne Neurdein)
- Plate & Co.
- Edward W. Quigley
- James Bartlett Rich
- Ildefonse Rousset
- Jan Saudek
- Peter Stackpole
- Isaiah West Taber
- Stephen Thompson
- Bradford Washburn
- Cole Weston
Among the CONTEMPORARY PHOTO STARS whose work will go on the block are:
- Mariette Pathy Allen
- Renate Aller
- Merry Alpern
- Bill Armstrong
- Abe Aronow
- Roger Ballen
- Ricardo Barros
- Steven Benson
- Chan Chao
- William Clift
- Stephen Fletcher
- Fran Forman
- Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin
- Margo L. Hamilton
- Thomas Kellner
- Kay Kenny
- Sang-Kyun Kim
- Les Krims
- Christine Laptuta
- Mikhail Lemkhin
- Janelle Lynch
- Roger Matsumoto
- Cynthia Matthews
- Kass Mencher
- Duane Michals
- Tyagan Miller
- Jeffrey Milstein
- Bruce Monk
- Joan Myers
- Bea Nettles
- Will Hiroshi Oda & Lisa Oda
- Bill Owens
- Olivia Parker
- Mark Perrott
- Larry Racioppo
- Ernestine Ruben
- Neal Slavin
- Joseph Squillante
- Lincoln H. Turner
- Hiroshi Watanabe
- David H. Wells
Featured LOCAL LUMINARIES include:
- Geoffrey Agrons
- Theo Anderson
- Randl Bye
- Paula Chamlee
- Vincent Cianni
- Gerald Cyrus
- Tom Goodman
- Richard Kent
- Brian Lav
- Amie Potsic
- Laurence Salzmann
- Gary Saretzky
- Keith Sharp
- Ruth Thorne-Thomsen
- Al Wachlin, Jr.
- Tony Ward
- Christine Welch
- David H. Wells
In addition, a broad range of 19TH CENTURY & VERNACULAR PHOTOGRAPHS is up for bid.
View the Auction Rules.
View the Auction Catalog.